Useful quarantine

      Associate Professor of Department Iryna Ivasyuk during the quarantine period took part in training seminars, symposiums, conferences, vebinars and received about 20 certificates. All this for the acquisition of new knowledge and skills in completely different areas of science and medicine.

     The vebinars were listened to on the following topics: “Criterions and procedure for selection of publications for the Web of Science Core Collection”, “Search and analysis of literature in the Web of Science Core Collection”, “Updated Journal Citation Reports”, “Publications in international publications”, “Demonstration , analysis and evaluation of a scientist’s scientific achievements ”, “Secrets of effective learning” ,“InCites analytical tool for an institution and a scientist”, “Bone marrow transplantation in Ukraine: expectations and reality”, “Monozygotic, dizygotic twins and what’s  in between”. Regarding online seminars and conferences, the following topical issues were considered: “Difficult cases of implementation of reproductive plans”, “Professional development of obstetricians and gynecologists during a pandemic”, “Implementation of modern science into practice”, “Problems and perspectives of modern science and practice”, “School of mother and child, the role of obstetrician-gynecologist ”,“ Analysis of scientific information: Clarivate information tools for scientists and administrators ”,“ Medico-biological aspects and multidisciplinary integration in the concept of human health ”, “How to increase confidence doctor in the prevention of birth defects and complications of pregnancy “, “Quality of life of a woman of elegant age. We are introducing expert experience into clinical practice. ” The associate professor also took part in the international online symposium of doctors “The Art of Healing”.